Visual Arts & Illustration

My artworks can be made with traditional techniques such as pencil on textured paper, but are usually made with digital tools (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop)


I play guitar, electric bass and sing, but the one I am the most experienced with is the bass. I play bass for over 20 years.
My site is new. I will upload more videos and sound bits in the future. For now, here's one video (and this bass is for sale, by the way :-) ):

Videogame music and chiptunes

If you are a fan of videogame music, or lived the days of 16-bit game consoles, specially the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis, I have something here for you.

X-Men Mutant Apocalipse for the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis

This game was released only for the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom back in the day. I reimagined the tracks as they would sound through the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis sound chip.

Vini · Sega

Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis rendition of Portal I Theme

Portal is the kind of game that could never be ported for a 16-bit console like the Sega Mega Drive unless it was totally remade. Anyway I wanted to reimagine its theme song like it was playing in a Sega Mega Drive.